7 trends in outdoor advertising for 2022

7 trends in outdoor advertising for 2022. The return to normality post-pandemic has brought with it changes in preferences regarding how advertising is appreciated and perceived. 

Outdoor advertising significantly declined after people were locked down for more than one year. When we left the house, we paid little attention to advertisements placed on the streets or in strategic public places.

Since we’ve returned to practically pre-pandemic levels of traffic, outdoor advertising has a new opportunity to shine and be in the spotlight, especially since we have spent a lot of time consuming digital content. Although it keeps us up to date and connected with what’s happening, it can also create a sense of isolation from the tangible and our world.

2022 has brought a series of changes and advances in the world. We’ve progressively returned to work sites, sporting events, concerts, restaurants, meetings, and clubs, every time with fewer and fewer restrictions. And with it, the crowds on the streets grow and the environment around us has once again become a platform for advertisement. 

Outdoor advertising is back in the limelight in 2022, and these are the trends that will dominate this field.

Need for storytelling

In advertising, the main focus is always getting a specific message across. But today, because people feel disconnected after the lockdown, they have a greater need to connect. And what better than a well-told story to do so?

One of the challenges and trends we will see this year will be storytelling in outdoor advertisements. An essential part of the story can be shown with an approach to questions or a possible problem, and then it can be solved later.

It is a risky gamble. Getting attention and hooking the public in the street is essential to generate an expectation of what they do not know or the possible outcome of the message. They must know what they´re seeing or what brand it is if it´s something new coming out.

The objective will be to get commitment from the viewer and a possible future client, all before knowing everything behind this campaign and its history.

Digitization of billboards

With technology transforming outdoor advertising, billboards no longer show static images for a long time. They can switch between advertisements easily, which allows for dynamism and makes the most of the potential of digital billboards because they can offer space to several brands or companies simultaneously and increase its income.

Another advantage of this type of product is the ease of moving it from one place to another. So, if the advertisement is no longer having an effect at a certain point, you can move it. For example, if there’s a new part of town flourishing with businesses, nightspots, and an influx of people, then the billboard can be moved there to attract more people. 

Likewise, because many companies can advertise on one billboard, advertisement slots can be segmented so that they display at the best time for the business’s target audience. 

Interaction with your smartphone

Another innovation and way of interacting with those on the street is through cell phones. With the ease of access that cell phones provide, they can reach more content through QR codes. With a simple scan, we have the information that we require from a particular business on our device. A very simple example of this is restaurant menus in which we can see the dishes and their costs instantly.

The same happens with the billboards we have at street level and can easily approach. Suppose they offer a QR code, and the billboard’s content is relevant and engaging. In that case, the advertisement will undoubtedly be a success that will give you visibility and increase your followers, and, on top of that, possible customers and sales.

In addition, it is a simple and speedy way to offer the necessary information to everyone who passes by the advertisement and does not have much time to stay to read. Then they can access the information through the link and review it later in the peace of their home.

Artificial intelligence in outdoor advertising

A big step in terms of innovations in outdoor advertising is the development of artificial intelligence.

If all of the above doesn’t seem interactive enough, don’t worry, artificial intelligence will take outdoor ads to another level.

Through the activation of technology such as sensors and facial recognition, it will be possible to scan a person who passes by an ad to interact with them in the moment. And thus, companies can file the user’s data in its information base and effectively direct campaigns towards the target audience. 

This is still in the works, but if it gives the expected results, it will undoubtedly be an excellent experience for those who are technologically curious to be at the forefront of these changes.

3D ads

If we already have digital screens, in addition to technology that gives us a high-definition image, why not incorporate 3D elements for a better experience?

A novelty that we have already seen in some countries and cities is creating content in video format for 3D billboards.

This offers a fantastic experience and is out of the ordinary from what we’ve always been used to.

This type of advertising is striking and will help ensure that your brand or product is identified, remembered, and well-positioned. 

Live streaming

This type of strategy is not something new in itself.

For a long time now, TV and radio programs have used personalized hashtags oriented to a unique activity or broadcast in particular so that the public can interact with it. Thus, you can have live visibility during the program’s broadcast, showing what you wrote on the screen.

Well, this same interaction is going to be taken to the outdoor advertising sector, applying the same dynamics as watching an awards show at home and commenting on Twitter or another social media to appear on TV.

Here, your expression can be on large advertising screens, on the street, and in real-time.

Real interaction

Streaming is not a novelty either.

However, we will see it more frequently this year, mainly due to the post-pandemic situation in which we live. There´s a need to connect and feel close to others at the distance of a screen’s touch.

Streaming offers us the ability to watch live events from anywhere in the world.

Like being able to be on the street and watch, for example, the opening ceremony of the next World Cup in Qatar.

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